Daily Cartoon! RICK & MORTY S.2,E.4: “Total Rickall”

Welcome to another special cartoon recap! Keeping things a bit more recent than normal today with one of my favorite current shows: Adult Swim’s RICK AND MORTY. I was admittedly late to the party on this show. I don’t watch a lot of “new” TV anymore unless a bunch of people tell me I need to jump on a bandwagon and this show certainly fell into that category. Once I got into it, though, I was fucking hooked. It’s terrific. And since I’m in the middle of rewatching Season 2 to get ready for the show’s big comeback next week, here I am writing about it.

If you’ve never seen it, the show is about Rick Sanchez, and old, drunk inventor/man of science and his grandson, Morty as they go on adventures throughout the galaxy and timelines and fucking whatever your mind can imagine. The two are also supplemented by the rest of the family, Morty’s parents Jerry (voiced by Chris Parnell) and Beth (Rick’s daughter (voiced by Sarah Chalke)) and his sister, Summer. Continue reading

Daily Cartoon! RAINBOW BRITE E.1: “Peril In The Pits”

Welcome to the Thursday edition of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! I’ve been trying to keep a good variety with this so today, we’re heading back to the 80s to catch an episode of Rainbow Brite!

I don’t remember how popular this was since I was really young when it was a thing, but – as a character – Rainbow Brite has had a pretty decent run. From being a big star for girls in the 80s to being a wonderfully slutty Halloween costume for those same girls once they grew up, she definitely has her fanbase.

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Daily Cartoon! THE MIGHTY DUCKS E.26: “To Catch A Duck”

Welcome to the Wednesday edition of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! We’ve got something…something for you today so let’s get the other stuff out of the way quickly.

The podcast! Listen to it! A new episode every week talking about shit you like. It’s legit. Find it on iTunesSoundcloud or wherever you download your podcasts. Make sure to subscribe, leave a review and tell your friends to do the same.

In 1992, Disney released a movie called THE MIGHTY DUCKS that featured a ragtag group of Pee-Wee hockey playing underdog kids from Minnesota overcoming the odds and defeating the much more talented and wealthy team from a neighboring district all under the guidance of Emilio Estevez who was sporting some great fucking hair.

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Daily Cartoon! ROBOCOP: The Animated Series E.11: “Into The Wilderness”

Welcome to another edition of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! Make sure to check out the latest episode of The Car JoeMez Podcast where we set the wheels in motion for our first contest and discuss the final installment of the Wolverine trilogy, LOGAN, on iTunesSoundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts. It’s good. Listen to it.

Today’s cartoon is Robocop: The Animated Series! If you don’t remember this existing, you’re most likely not alone. It only lasted 12 episodes in 1988 and then faded into obscurity to only be viewed by idiots like me who can’t get enough of shit like this.

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Daily Cartoon! THUNDERCATS S.1,E.28: “The Wolfrat”

Good afternoon and happy Monday! Welcome to a brand new week of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! Before we get started, make sure you check out the latest episode of our show,

The Car JoeMez Podcast on iTunesSoundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe, leave a comment or review and share with your friends because they probably like the same shit you do.

Let’s get started. I shouldn’t have to do a lot of background on Thundercats. It was a massive hit, had an incredible toy line and is one of the most memorable series of the 80s. The coloring and early use of anime-like animation sequences made it attractive and exciting to kids of all ages and having a fucking kick-ass theme song just cemented the whole deal.

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Welcome to the Friday edition of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! I had mentioned that I was looking to do something new with this space and I was thinking that Fridays can be reserved for animated movies. Since I took away the weekends from you, I can try to give you something a bit more to lead you into them.

Remember to check out the weekly show, The Car JoeMez Podcast, on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play and wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe, listen, leave a comment or review and share with your friends. The more people who listen to that and read these means the more things I can do with having a bigger audience. If you enjoy any or all of what we’re doing, try to share it with others who will as well.

I’ve always been a big fan of the 1960s Batman series that starred Adam West and Burt Ward. I grew up watching it in re-runs and even today you can still find it playing on some channel. There’s just something completely endearing about the campiness and how cheesy it can be while still remaining fun. I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea as quite a few of you love your dark, brooding Batman, but for this guy, this works in a big way.

A while back on the podcast, Gomez had mentioned to me that this movie had come out and I’d probably like it. I had no idea it even existed, so I ordered a copy immediately since it did sound like something I’d enjoy.

If you’re not familiar, Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders was theatrically released for like a day or two in select markets, but – for all intents and purposes – was a direct-to-DVD deal that featured the original Dynamic Duo getting back in action.

That’s right, folks: Adam West and Burt Ward pick up the mantle as Batman and Robin one more time. Hell, they even got Julie Newmar to voice Catwoman! Supposedly, this was done in the style of the ’66 Batman show and – honestly – that gives me half a chub. I’m fucking excited for this.

This movie has a run time of just about 80 minutes so I suppose this could get a little lengthy. I’m just giving you a heads-up since I do have a habit of going completely off the rails and ranting about something ridiculous at times.

So, with all that said, let’s watch a cartoon!

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016)


Our opening credits sequence gives us a play on the old Batman opening with Batman and Robin knocking out bad guys and credits popping up in the sound effect bubbles. I’m already invested just off that. This just has to be good.

We open in Wayne Manor with Dick Grayson practicing ballet moves while Bruce tells him ballet promotes balance, discipline and flexibility: all things that aid in their never-ending fight against crime. Bruce tells Dick that even heroes need breaks for mindless entertainment and they decide to watch a TV variety show. Turns out, the musical guest has been kidnapped and replaced by the Joker, Penguin, Riddler and Catwoman.


We get some tremendous old-school Batman-verbiage which has me fucking giddy. I’m loving this shit. The Bat-Signal shines through the window and as the duo goes running out, they’re stopped by Aunt Harriet who says you’d think they’re Batman and Robin running out like that. They explain that they’re going fishing to relax from the stresses of being a billionaire playboy and his teenage ward. Aunt Harriet makes a comment to Alfred about the lengths they go to to hide “their secret”, obviously inferring that they’re gay. This is top-notch stuff, people.

The two meet up with Commissioner Gordon and – in typical fashion – solve a clue left by the Riddler just by thinking aloud and coming up with something utterly ridiculous. They run out and start their search which leads to my favorite scene in the first ten minutes of this movie: Batman lecturing Robin on the dangers of jaywalking, especially when it’s dark and they’re unlikely to be seen by passing motorists. Robin understands that nobody is above the law even when you’re trying to enforce it and Batman exclaims, “Quickly, Robin! To the cross walk!” I honestly don’t have a large enough vocabulary to really get across how amazing I find this.

Cut to our villains who are robbing a laboratory of their new invention: the replica ray! It’s a gun that can scan anything and produce an exact replica of it. Batman and Robin jump on the scene and we get our first fight sequence complete with sound-effect word graphics for all the big hits. I swear, it’s like they wrote this just for me.

We get a nice scene where Catwoman tries seducing Batman which was a constant theme on the original show. Batman always had a crush and tried to convince her to go straight so they could get together. All this does here, however, is allow the heels an opportunity to escape with the Replica Ray.

The bad guys get away for now, but another riddle left behind is taken by the heroes and put in the Bat-Analyzer: a computer which contains the knowledge of TWO sets of encyclopedias! It leads the Dynamic Duo to believe that the baddies are holed up at the local TV dinner factory. This is so fucking good.

We got another kerfuffle here that leaves Catwoman as the last villain standing. She implores Batman to allow her to fix her hair so she looks good for the judge and Batman – always smitten – agrees. However, the sinful succubus takes the moment to spray Batman and Robin with a noxious gas that incapacitates our heroes. When they awake, they’re tied to a giant TV dinner on a conveyor belt about to be loaded into a giant oven. The bad guys, of course, leave the scene assuming they’ve ended the reign of the heroes. Batman, however, always thinking, is able to use the acid from the lemon tart in the dessert section to loosen his constraints and escape the trap just in time.


In the meantime, it seems as if Catwoman’s spray has had a strange effect on the Bat as now he’s acting like a complete dickhead. Back at Wayne Manor, Bruce fires Alfred for not stopping Aunt Harriet from getting into his study and almost finding out their secret identities. Robin is thrown off-guard by this and is suspicious of Bruce, but doesn’t quite yet feel that something more sinister is in-play.

The heroes scour Gotham, but can’t find a trace of the villainous quartet. Robin says it’s like they’re not even on the planet and Batman concludes they must have stowed-away on a rocket that was just launched into space. But of course! Our heroes jump into the Bat-Rocket and head into space to finally put away these criminals.

While in space, Joker, Penguin and Riddler conclude that they must rid themselves of Catwoman since she’s soft on Batman and could cost them everything. They fight between themselves as the Caped Crusaders arrive at the orbiting space station where the heels are hiding out. The baddies throw Catwoman into an airlock and attempt to shoot her into the atmosphere, but she’s saved by the good guys who just happen to be sneaking in through the same airlock chamber.

Batman, Robin and now Catwoman storm into the control center and Batman is now feeling pure vengeance. Apparently, he doesn’t believe in laws or justice anymore and wants to throw Joker, Penguin and Riddler into the airlock themselves. This leads us into a anti-gravity fight scene which is chock-full of goodness, but ends with a Bat-A-Rang knocking the anti-gravity controls back. Batman puts on his brass-Batknucks and we even get a, “you wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts,” as he completely knocks the shit out of the treacherous trio. Catwoman, to her credit, uses this chance as an opportunity to jump in an escape pod and return to Earth.

Batman is now in full-on douche mode as he’s curt and insulting to everybody. Robin, Commissioner Gordon, even poor old Aunt Harriet is catching the wrath of Gotham’s protector. Bruce even unceremoniously banishes Dick from the Manor, telling him to join Alfred on Skid Row.

A sudden crime wave is overtaking Gotham and Batman is nowhere to be found. He’s given up the fight insisting that Gordon and the police clean up their own mess for once. Gordon is completely overwhelmed by the going-ons when Batman suddenly arrives at the police station. He completely shits on Gordon and Chief O’Hara and tells them they aren’t worthy of being cops. He then clones himself and names the new Batmen as the replacement Commissioner and Chief of Police. He also delivers an evil laugh saying that Batman will run Gotham and eventually the world!

Batman starts going around town replacing everybody with clones of himself: the Mayor, judges, even goddamn chefs and mechanics! This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Robin, to his credit, has gotten his own tiny apartment and is practicing his ballet when it hits him that Catwoman’s elixir has worked on Batman, but that it was working slowly. He goes out looking for Catwoman to find the antidote and she agrees since she wanted Batman to be bad, but not this bad. Robin hits her with a dose of Bat-Sleep spray so he can get her into the Batcave without giving away the secret the location.

Batman is immediately aware of their presence. Catwoman hits the Bat with the antidote, but Batman was expecting it and had already taken the Bat-Anti-Antidote! What a dramatic turn of events! Batman and Robin then go into a utility belt duel which Batman wins rather handily. He then sets up Robin and Catwoman to be lowered into a nuclear silo while he drives off in the Batmobile so he can continue his rule over the city.

But Batman isn’t the only one who thinks ahead. Oh no! Robin anticipated that Batman would probably get the best of them and that the silo would be their likely end, so he took the liberty of spraying the two of them with the Bat-Anti-Isotope spray on the drive over so it would protect them from any radioactivity. Absolutely fucking brilliant, Boy Wonder.

After escaping, Robin and Catwoman go undercover as prison inspectors and start handing out items to prisoners Batman had previously put away that help them escape and care packages of their villain costumes. After they get over the wall, Robin and Catwoman show up in a van to pick them all up and head out to take on the Bat.

Batman has overtaken the TV variety show and has rigged all the sets in Gotham to explode if people change the channel, but just as he’s making his threat, he’s interrupted by Robin, Catwoman and now their entire cavalcade of classic Batman villains including Egghead, Mr. Freeze, King Tut and more!

We get a giant brawl between all the bad guys and the Batman clones that have overtaken Gotham and it is sometimes interrupted by a Batman dance sequence which is the zenith of wonderfulness.

Just when Batman is about to put an end to those opposing him, a delivery man arrives with a bottle of champagne for the newest pop star of Gotham. He swigs it straight from the bottle in toast to himself and immediately starts choking. Turns out, the champagne has been spiked with the antidote to the Bat-Anti-Antidote! He starts returning to normal as the clones spontaneously combust into dust.

Robin wonders who sent the bottle and Alfred appears from the darkness stating that he’s had a long-standing agreement with Bruce that if he were ever to be fired, it would be because he was under some kind of mind-control. He’d also been given the specifications to concoct the potion needs and – BAM – Batman is good again.

All is settled except for one thing: Joker, Riddler and Penguin are still out there and Batman has been one step behind from the get-go. Finally, he realizes that they’ve tricked him with clones of themselves to keep him busy while they went around stealing all of the valuable art and artifacts in Gotham!

They track down the three, but they take off into the night in the Penguin Blimp. Batman and Robin jump in their Whirly-Bats to begin the chase. Of course, the good guys are able to catch up and we get a full battle on the top of the blimp. Of course, the good guys get the duke, but Catwoman – who they thought was on their side for good, takes off with the priceless art after Batman turns down her offer of disappearing to Europe and sipping tea while spending their life together to which Robin exclaims, “Holy unsatisfying ending!” It sure was, Boy Wonder. It sure was.


Catwoman escapes to fight another day as Batman wonders what could have been.

We get a final scene back at Wayne Manor where they’ve thrown Aunt Harriet a birthday party. This puts her mind at ease about what their secret was the whole time and that they can stop with all the late-night fishing nonsense. Just then, the Bat signal appears and Bruce and Dick run off to save the day as a speechless Aunt Harriet wonders what their deal really is.

Final Thoughts:

Simply stated: I fucking loved this.

It’s obviously ridiculous, but done in a way that kept true to the spirit and theme of the original show. The script, scenarios and explanations were all really well done and I would have a hard time believing that anybody who enjoys the original series wouldn’t be all over this.

Supposedly, they’re making another one of these movies with William Shatner providing the voice of Two-Face and I absolutely cannot wait for that.

I’m really glad this exists and that we’re getting a kind of “one more run” for Adam West and Burt Ward especially after all the years when all you heard was how much they hated each other and refused even doing conventions and appearances together. As a fan, you want to believe that things are great between them and maybe that they even have that mentor/old chum relationship off-screen. I don’t necessarily need that, but I’m super happy they were able to put aside whatever differences they had and provide a little fan service here.

All in all, a very fun and entertaining flick that I’m really happy to have checked out. I urge you to do the same as it’s easily available in digital or hard-copy formats. If you love that Batman, you’ll love this.

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading.

❤ Joe

Daily Cartoon! TOXIC CRUSADERS Ep.9: “Invasion of the Biddy Snatchers”

Welcome to the Thursday edition of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! Before we get started, here’s your daily reminder to check out the weekly shoe, The Car JoeMez Podcast, on iTunesSoundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts. This week’s episode features Gomez and I discussing the music of our adolescence as well as completely shitting on the list of top fast food items put out by The Ringer. It’s probably one of my favorite episodes that we’ve done so, please, go give it a listen, leave a review, subscribe and share it with friends. Everything is better with friends.

Today’s show is Toxic Crusaders! I remember having seen this as a kid, but don’t remember it sticking around all that long. I kind of remember enjoying it, but it wasn’t even close to something I was all about. I’d remember it a lot better if I did. Apparently, it did reach some level of popularity as they were a bunch of licensed items from comic books, a board game, a toy line and even a video game for NES, GameBoy and Genesis. I don’t ever remember this being THAT popular to necessitate all of that.


Looking at the toys, there’s a lot to similarities to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line. Which shouldn’t come as much of a surprise as both lines were made by Playmates around the same time. maxresdefault

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume the game is awful. I’m going to go out on an even further limb and say I’ll probably try hunting it down on eBay over the weekend.

The reason all this merchandising surprises me is that the series only produced 13 episodes and I genuinely don’t remember it being a big thing in the school yards as a kid seeing as how I was only 9-10 years old when this was aired. Maybe people just expected it to take off like another TMNT or something. I don’t know. Either way, I’m kind of excited to check this out and see if anything jogs my memory.

Quick little background on this: the main focus is Toxie, the ugly green sludge monster we see on the video games and in the center of anything promoting this who has superpowers and is a really nice guy under his horribly disfigured appearance. Toxie and friends do battle with the evil villains from the planet Smogula who want to do irreparable harm to the environment. Hmmm…maybe we should get Toxie to have a talk with that new president guy.

OK, so horribly disfigured mutants. Villains from the planet Smogula. Save the environment. Got it.

Let’s watch a cartoon.

Toxic Crusaders E.9: “Invasion of the Biddy Snatchers”

Originally Aired: April 27, 1991


We open with the Toxic Crusaders playing football in what appears to be the dump when Toxie’s Tromatons start tingling. Tromatons are basically this dude’s Spidey-Sense so that means evil must be near. At this point, a small sack drops onto his head where a small insect is nestled on the inside.

Cut to the planet of Smogula, where Czar Zosta, the head bad guy is demoting Dr. Killemoff (think Krang/Shredder type of relationship here) because of his inability to rid them of the Toxic Crusaders. In his place will be General GarBage who is this termite-looking motherfucker who grows to be a giant bug wearing traditional military garb. In the smaller state, he also looks exactly like the bug that just fell on Toxie’s head.

General GarBage explains his master plan to Dr. Killemoff and it…is…a…doozy. He’s going to drop a shit ton of tiny bugs all over the town of Tromaville, New Jersey (home to the Toxic Avengers) where they will bite little old ladies and become perfect clones of them, albeit with four arms. He thinks that nobody will suspect his old lady clones and he’ll easily be able to infiltrate the town and take it over for good.

As far as evil plans go for some of the shows we’ve been watching lately, this one is actually pretty solid.

The clones lock up all the original old biddies somewhere nobody would ever think to look: Tromaville City Hall while they start driving the residents out-of-town due to their nonstop nagging and complaining. This makes the town ripe for a Smogula invasion. Toxie, meanwhile, gets a super-duper Tromaton alert when someone mentions his Mom and he heads out to figure out what could be wrong.

Unfortunately for Toxie, he’s met by his imposter Mom on the way to her house where she informs him that him and the rest of the Toxic Crusaders are being deported to Siberia because they’re too ugly to live in Tromaville. Normally, I’d say we shouldn’t discriminate against those less good-looking, but, real talk: Tromaville is in New Jersey so c’mon, there’s really not a lot to work with there and people REALLY have no right to judge. Toxie heads to the dump to inform the rest of the Crusaders.

Dr. Killemoff, in lieu of being excited about the plan working, is up and arms. He’s desperate for General GarBage to fail so he can get his top spot back. Fuck, the politics that exist even when being a bad guy from Smogula aren’t much different from that of being an American senator.

The Crusaders board a ship bound for Siberia, but are surprised when it’s only a 10 minute trip. When they debark, they’re met by Dr. Killemoff who informs these idiots that they’re in Island City and not Siberia, but that he’ll also make a deal: defeat General GarBage’s clones and they can return to Tromaville. The Crusaders, obviously, are thrilled. In the immortal words of Bon Jovi, who says you can’t go home?

When the Crusaders return to Tromaville, they’re ambushed by the clone biddies. They refuse to fight back because – even though they’re imposters – they still don’t feel comfortable hitting old women. This is rectified by the real old biddies showing up en masse after a group jailbreak and laying out the fakers. They hit their finishing move of hitting them in the face with hair spray which transforms the clones back into the insects they began as.

General GarBage launches an attack with a bunch of Smogulan troops who are handled with ease by the Toxic Crusaders. Toxie even grabs a can of hairspray and hits General GarBage with a big spritz which shrinks him down to a tiny general. The bad guys retreat and Tromaville is once again saved by its lovable group of mutant superheroes.

Final Thoughts:

This show is terrific! It’s completely in on the joke with how ridiculous the premise is and makes no secret of hiding it. It’s fun, it’s witty, it’s an all-around good time.

Seriously, go out of your way and track this down to give it a watch. It’s streaming on Amazon Prime right now which is how I watched, but there’s also a DVD collection out there. With only 13 episodes, it’s not even a real commitment so it’s perfect to knock out over a slow weekend.

Seriously had a good time with this show and glad I saw it sitting there on Amazon. Go watch and get back at me with your thoughts.

See you tomorrow.

❤ Joe

Daily Cartoon! JACKSON 5IVE E.3: “Pinestock, USA”

Welcome to another edition of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! Remember to check out the latest episode of The Car JoeMez Podcast about the music that shaped our adolescence and our reactions to The Ringer’s Top Fast Food Items list on iTunesSoundcloud and wherever else you listen to podcasts. It’s a good episode.

Today’s cartoon is something I chose out of my Box O’Toons. I have a bunch of stuff thrown on a list and randomly selected this. Cool? Very cool.

It’s called Jackson 5ive and, obviously, is about The Jackson Five who have adventures similar to those in Josie And The Pussycats & The Partridge Family. Why the 70s obsessed with musicians getting in the middle of criminal hijinks, we may never know, but whatever. We have a show to look back on and laugh at, I suppose.


The show lasted 23 episodes over two seasons between 1971 and 1972 and got a second life in syndication during 1984-1985 when Michael Jackson was the biggest star on the planet as a solo performer.

I can safely say I’ve never seen an episode of this show, but – after reading a little background – am sure it’s just as terrible as the other shows of the time. Time to find out.

Let’s watch a cartoon.

Jackson 5ive E. 2: “Pinestock, USA”

Originally Aired: September 18, 1971


We open with the J5 on their groovy private airplane. They’re flying into Pinestock to play a big outdoor music festival similar to Woodstock. But when they arrive, they see that the land isn’t cleared and open, but still heavily wooded. They don’t see how they’ll be able to perform in the forest, but are still sure that thousands of their fans will show up.

So they arrive and meet Mr. Carruthers, a fat, mean dude who owns the forest land and is promoting the concert. He informs the band that they’re a week early, but not to worry about the woods because he’s going to have the trees cleared out and a stadium built in time for the show. J5 has a big problem with this because they care about the trees and adorable woodland critters that call the woods home. Mr. Carruthers is tight because he’s cutting down the woods and no ecology-loving kooks are going to stop him.

We get a sweet music break where the J5 play “I’ll Be There” to woods. While the Jacksons didn’t provide voices for the show, the songs used are actual J5 recordings which is pretty cool. It also takes up a few minutes in some hippy-dippy video that means there’s nothing to recap which makes writing this review a bit easier. Thanks, guys!

As we come out of “I’ll Be There”, Mr. Carruthers’ lumberjacks have arrived and are going to start destroying the woods, but not until after they eat. This allows the J5 to replace the gasoline in the chainsaws with maple syrup. You’d think such a scheme would thwart all of Mr. Carruthers’ plans, but, oh no! He sends a carrier pigeon to the trading post with a message to send more chainsaws. This must be how Amazon started.

Again, the Jacksons are a step ahead. They use their unlikely friendship with the animals to get the carrier pigeon to return and swap in a different message for him to deliver. And this is probably how all those mail-order catalogs fucked up deliveries for all those years before Amazon.

A helicopter arrives and drops three crates that the lumberjacks assume is their new chainsaws. Of course, it’s not and in lieu of cutting tools, the workers get balloons, kites and bubble gum. No bullshit, there’s an entire crate of fucking bubble gum! It’s like a Halloween of nothing but Dubble Bubble. I would fucking love if that got dropped at my door. Who cares if I was expecting a chainsaw?! This is wayyyyyyy better!


Mr. Carruthers doesn’t agree with my enthusiasm, however.

The lumberjacks capture the Jacksons and enclose them in a cave to stop them from interfering until it’s time for the concert. They’re able to escape pretty much immediately, though, thanks to the help of their woodland critter friends, though. They notice the lumberjacks listening to the radio so they build a transistor to override the signal so they can break in with a newscast about a rare pink snake that is actually just Michael’s pet. This causes a ruckus as the lumberjacks are chased off and Mr. Carruthers’ plans to destroy the forest are foiled.

The Jackson 5 do play their concert at Pinestock and they play us off the air with “The Young Folks”.

Final Thoughts:

Typical corniness expected from this type of fare. I do like that we get actual Jackson 5 songs so that was kind of fun, but other than that, there’s really not much depth here.

That being said, it’s a huge tribute to the J5 that they were popular enough at this time to necessitate a Saturday Morning Cartoon series. Seriously, that’s called being over as fuck.

Not the worst cartoon you’ll ever see as long as you go in knowing what you’re in for. I doubt I’ll ever go searching for another episode of this to watch, but if you’re interested, there’s a DVD out there with the full series floating around.

I wish I had that whole crate of bubble gum.

See you tomorrow.

❤ Joe

Daily Cartoon! TRANSFORMERS S.3,E.24: “Grimlock’s New Brain”

Welcome to Tuesday’s edition of the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! Today we have a special request sent in by listener of the podcast, Chris! He loves the show and so will you so make sure you listen to new episodes of The Car JoeMez Podcast every week on iTunesSoundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts. Keep those subscriptions, reviews and referrals coming too. I love that shit.

Today, we’re checking out an episode of the original Transformers series! I assume everybody knows something about this show or franchise in some way, shape or form, so not a lot of background is needed here.

Chris asked me to review this specific episode for a reason I’m sure we’ll soon find out, but off the top of my head, I don’t singularly remember it. What I do know, however, is that this takes places after the animated movie so I’m guessing all the beloved robots we said goodbye to there are still dead. Either way, we’re going to find out today.

Since we’re all pretty familiar with the general premise of the show, let me give you some background on just my memories of this property. I would never have called it my favorite thing as a kid, but it was something I was totally into. I watched the cartoons, had a few of the toys and even saw the movie in theaters. My brother was a much bigger fan than me and it’s probably his number one “thing” from childhood. Either this or Ghostbusters. He loves them both. Take it up with him.

My favorite of the Transformers is and always was Starscream. He was the prototypical chicken-shit bad guy and I always loved his schemes behind Megatron’s back and then how he’d cower when Megatron would confront him. That’s entertainment, folks. He was very much like one of my other favorite cartoon characters ever, Cobra Commander, in that way except that he wasn’t the man in charge. Quick note for reference sake, both Starscream and Cobra Commander were voiced by the same actor, Chris Latta. I think that’s pretty cool.


Unfortunately for me, Starscream was killed during the movie in cold blood by the evil Galvatron just as he was taking the throne as leader of the Decepticons. Galvatron, of course, was a reincarnated version of Megatron and a general all-around douche. Fuck you, Galvatron.

OK, so this episode – based on title – will have an obvious focus on Grimlock and, I assume, the rest of the Dinobots which sounds like a score since they are usually hilarious. So this sounds like a great episode to check out.

Let’s watch a cartoon.

Transformers S., E.24: “Grimlock’s New Brain”

Originally Aired: November 14, 1986


We open with Ultra Magnus talking about a new energy source they’ve discovered and for Grimlock to throw the switch. Of course, Grimlock fucks everything up and the rest of the Autobots are wishing the Dinobots had more sophisticated brains.

Other Autobots are beginning to malfunction because of some kind of leak in the power core at the center of Cybertron. Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Cup and Grimlock begin to travel to address the problem with the core and have a little gizmo that Perciptor made for them that will guide them. Grimlock wants to hold the compass-looking thing and, despite protests from Rodimus, takes it, breaks it and then leaves in a fit after becoming upset that the rest of the Autobots treat him like he’s stupid. Unfortunately for Grimlock, he’s really fucking stupid.

Rodimus sends Cup to stay with Grimlock because they don’t want the head Dinobot fucking with their security systems while underground. Rodimus and Ultra Magnus continue the journey.

Grimlock and Cup actually find the energy core on their own, but as they get close, the power incapacitates Cup. Grimlock knows that he has to shut the machine down so he goes about destroying it in typical Grimlock fashion. He tries ripping some of the wiring out with his teeth and is given a healthy dose of overwhelming power. When the machine is finally put to rest, Grimlock is suddenly the smartest guy around.


Grimlock’s voice is distinctly different and he’s suddenly describing the process of shutting down the machine like a regular ole Mr. Science. To Cup’s credit, he is completely dumbfounded by Grimlock’s new tone. Cup is a grizzled old robot-war vet so I don’t think he’s programmed to be able to handle a conversation with someone like the new Professor Grimlock.

Cut to Galvatron on his way high-tech Decepticon hideout, where he’s pissing and moaning about these two mutant-looking dudes he’s hired having failed at their mission. They planted some anti-electrons that were causing the Autobots to malfunction, but since the energy core was shut down, they’re now rendered ineffective. Galvatron demands an energy source to have his plan put back in motion and the one mutant who looks like Creature from the Black Lagoon, but with an eye patch says he should be able to use the energy from Unicron’s brain.

The Decepticons set course for Unicron’s floating head and are careful not to awake him just in case. They begin to drain him of the remainder of his anti-electrons. Grimlock has figured out the mystery of the anti-electrons and their debilitating effects and the Autobots make a mission to get to Unicron hopefully before the Decepticons can.

The Decepticons are ready for the Autobots arrival, though and shoot down their ship as they’re arriving. With the anti-electrons everywhere, the Autobots are rendered basically useless and are getting their asses handed to them on a platter. Apparently unaffected by the anti-electrons, Grimlock leaves the Autobots to get pummeled so he can use spare parts within Unicron to build a new Transformer, Nosecone. Nosecone transforms into a type of tank with a drill and Grimlock has him drill deep into Unicron so Grimlock can get safe passage to the brain.

Unicron awakens and his internal defense system activates against both Autobots and Decepticons! Grimlock, however, is a step ahead. In addition to Nosecone, he has now built an entire crew of additional Autobots that he titles the Technobots! The Technobots are able to disarm Unicron’s defenses and Grimlock sends them out to help the remaining Autobots while he stays behind in Unicron’s brain.


The Technobots are able to assemble and form Computron! Grimlock puts on a helmet and transfers his intelligence to Computron with the full understanding that he will revert to his original slow-witted self. Computron is able to fend off the Decepticons and save the day for the Autobots all while destroying the remaining supply of anti-electrons. Everything is good in Autobot land. For now.


Final Thoughts:

I can’t remember ever seeing this episode and I certainly don’t ever remember Computron, but this was fucking dynamite. Pretty much the regular premise for the show: Autobots seeking energy source, Decepticons sabotaging Autobots, fight, but it was fun and felt different.

Smart Grimlock is terrific when he’s being condescending to less intelligent Autobots. It’s like those motherfuckers had it coming for all the years of treating him like a moron.

All in all, a really cool episode that I’m happy was suggested. If you’re looking to get on this, I don’t believe Transformers is streaming anywhere right now. I literally had to order this DVD from Amazon because it was literally the one of the series that I never got around to owning previously. There’s also nothing really up on YouTube so DVD it is. Not that I’m mad about that. I still like owning hard copies of certain things and am happy it gave me an excuse to finally have all of the first-generation Transformers series.

Over the years, I’ve watched a bunch of this show, but thinking back, it was probably exclusively pre-movie. After seeing this, I’m super interested to check out the rest of seasons 3 and 4 and see how it finished off.

Thanks for reading. Keep the requests coming and we’ll see you tomorrow!

❤ Joe


Daily Cartoon! ANIMANIACS: S.1,E.24: “Opportunity Knox/Wings Take Heart”

After a much-needed weekend respite, welcome back to the Daily Cartoon on Car JoeMez! Remember to check out the latest episode of the show, The Car JoeMez Podcast on iTunesSoundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to subscribe, like, rate, leave a review and share it with your friends.

I wanted to start the week off with something light and I remembered that Animaniacs was on Netflix and voila! I can’t admit to being a big fan of this show when I was a kid. I liked it, thought it was OK, but it was nothing I was ever too into. Also, by the time of its premiere (September 13, 1993 – which also happened to be my 12th birthday) I was already into the too-old for cartoons stage of life so only kept a passing interest in this.

I’ve since watched some episodes here and there since it was added to the streaming services and I have enjoyed the ones I’ve watched. There’s a lot of adult humor in there that I’m 100% positive I didn’t get or understand as a kid, but makes me do the “how the fuck did they sneak that one in there?!”

In addition, this show also introduced us to Pinky & The Brain who eventually got their own spinoff that – dare I say – was even better than the home base they emerged from. As a whole, Animaniacs lasted 99 episodes total combined from its runs on Fox and then, eventually, Kids WB and was pretty popular for its time. Not that it had a toy line that I can remember, but I know for a fact that it had a video game on Genesis and Super Nintendo. I even have the Genesis version!


See? I wasn’t lying. Hell, I’ve even got the Warners in Funko form too!


So, yeah, I suppose I’ve grown to appreciate this show much more as I’ve gotten older and re-watched it here and there. One thing I did absolutely love as a kid, however was this:

I would say that’s enough background on this show. Let’s watch a cartoon.

Animaniacs: S.1, E.24: “Opportunity Knox/Wings Take Heart”

Originally Aired: October 18, 1993

We open with a quick infomercial where the Warner brothers and their sister, Dot, want to shave you bald for just $19.95. They demonstrate on that poor security guard that they’re always terrorizing around the Warner movie lot. Cute and quick and sends us into the opening theme which will get in your head like nobody’s business.

From there, we go into a Pinky and the Brain bit. Pinky wonders what Brain wants to do tonight and, of course, Brain informs him that they’ll try to do the same thing they do every night: try to take over the world.

Brain has invented a new strain of pollen that causes a temporary allergic fit in all humans and plans to use it to rob Fort Knox. How do they plan on even getting to Fort Knox? They’ll use one of the labs technological resources: the minivan.

Of course, just miles away from Fort Knox, the duo get pulled over, but are able to get out of it by telling the officer that once they control all of the world’s gold, their budget will result in substantial spending increases for law enforcement.

They arrive at Fort Knox, hit the security team with Brain’s allergy pollen and then go about lifting all the gold. There’s just one problem: gold bars are heavy AF and Pinky and the Brain are lab mice who are unable to move them. They end up dropping the first bar they lift on top of themselves and the next we see of them, are back in their cage at Acme Labs sporting slings and bandages where Brain promises a better plan for tomorrow night. Pinky asks what they’ll be doing then and Brain answers, “the same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!”

We then segue into a quick “Good Idea, Bad Idea” segment that was used to buffer between stories. Good idea: stopping to smell the roses. Bad idea: stopping to feel the roses and puncturing yourself on thorns on the stem of said roses.

It’s on to our second story of the day, “Wings Take Heart”. A nondescript insect is taking a nap when he spots a beautiful butterfly girl and becomes immediately smitten. She spots him gawking at her in her mirror while she’s brushing her hair. They make eye contact and start flying all over town together.

OK, let me hit pause for a second. Folks, I can tell you from tons of experience that creepily staring at chicks from across the way never ends up with you flying all over town with them. Never. Sometimes they make and uggo face at you. Sometimes they turn around. Sometimes they flip you the bird or send their really big boyfriend over to you so he can ask what your problem is. At no point does it work out like this show has thus far. Just something to keep in mind next time you’re feeling like a creep at the bar.

Our unnamed insect is about to kiss his dream butterfly when he’s suddenly smashed by a passing tractor-trailer. And I’m not talking about former basketball great Robert “Tractor” Traylor either.


Our bug protagonist gets shuttled around from a number of different trucks that end up smashing him and taking him further and further away from where he needs to be when finally his little bug body has had all it can stand. He’s done. Laid out. A mama vulture picks him up to feed to her kids, but there’s a forest fire bearing down, so she packs up her hatchlings and takes off. Our beaten bug tries escaping, but he’s no match for the quick-moving fire.

Just when it looks as if all hope is lost, a helicopter does a massive water drop on the fire which washes it out and flows our little guy to temporary safety. He’s floating on a leaf and about to fall into a sewer drain when he sees his pretty butterfly girlfriend sitting under a rose crying. He calls to her, she perks up, he flies up and finally gets his kiss.

Now, I think it’s important to state that this is also ridiculous. Everybody knows that these hoes ain’t loyal. The second he was taken away, you know that butterfly chick was gonna be on Bug-Tinder or back in the bars getting a new thirsty-ass dude to give her some attention. She certainly ain’t going to be sitting under a rose waiting for this dude to just appear out of nowhere like an RKO again. This is just reality. This is how the world works. Plenty of other bugs all over.

Now with both of our stories for the day concluded, the Warners pull out the Wheel of Morality to tell us today’s learned lesson: “If you can’t say something nice, you’re probably at the Ice Capades”. Hahahahaahahahahahahhaahahahahahahhaha. Poor Ice Capades. I actually went once when I was a kid and the big thing was Super Mario Bros. I remember having a good time. But, for now, sick burn, Yakko.

Final Thoughts:

This show is great. There was a couple of swipes at Disney in there which, for the time, were probably scandalous, but they’re done tongue-in-cheek and are pretty funny. The show as a whole is a good time.

I don’t really get the whole bug story, but it just was what it was and the music overlayed did a really good job of conveying danger and emotions in the vein of the classic Looney Tunes cartoons.

The more of these shows that I watch, I become convinced that they’re just not meant to be binge-watched. An episode here or there, fine, but if I tried running three, four episodes in a row, I may hate myself.

But for one episode and 20 minutes today, this was fun and is probably something I could just put on with my sleep timer as I’m going to bed some nights.

I know for a fact there are DVD sets of this show available, but you can find all 99 episodes on Netflix as well if you’re looking to check it out which I think you should. Especially if it’s something you haven’t watched in a while. I think you’ll be able to appreciate a lot of the jokes and humor a lot better as a learned adult. Thumbs up.

See you tomorrow.

❤ Joe